1. General Studies Paper I: Indian Heritage, Culture, and Geography
Indian Art and Culture by Nitin Singhania
Certificate Physical and Human Geography by G.C. Leong
Modern India by Bipin Chandra
Indian Society by R.K. Sharma
GK Today – Daily updates on current affairs and static GK.
Indian Culture – Resources on Indian heritage and culture.
2. General Studies Paper II: Governance, Constitution, Polity
Indian Polity by M. Laxmikanth
Introduction to the Constitution of India by D.D. Basu
Governance in India by M. Laxmikanth
PRS India – Legislative and policy updates.
The Hindu – Current affairs and policy analysis.
3. General Studies Paper III: Technology, Economic Development, and Environment
Indian Economy by Ramesh Singh
Environment and Ecology by Majid Husain
Science and Technology in India by Kalpana Rajaram
Economic Times – Updates on economic trends.
Environment News – Environmental issues and solutions.
4. General Studies Paper IV: Ethics, Integrity, and Aptitude
Ethics, Integrity, and Aptitude by Subba Rao & P.N. Roy Chowdhury
Lexicon for Ethics, Integrity & Aptitude by Niraj Kumar
Vision IAS – Ethics case studies and resources.
IAS Baba – Ethics preparation materials.
5. Optional Subject Books and Websites
Refer to standard books for your chosen optional subject (e.g., Geography of India by Majid Husain for Geography, Physical Chemistry by P.W. Atkins for Chemistry).
Forum IAS – Subject-specific resources and discussions.
Insights IAS – Daily quizzes and notes for optional subjects.
6. Essay Writing
Essays for Civil Services Examination by Pulkit Khare
General Essays for Civil Services by M. Karthikeyan
The Hindu – Opinion columns for essay practice.
Essays in IAS – A collection of essay topics and guidance.